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Local Forms

Effective December 1, 2009, New and Amended Official Forms, including required B 27, Reaffirmation Cover Sheet, which gathers certain financial information, including information necessary for the court to determine whether a reaffirmation agreement creates a presumption of undue hardship, and allows the debtor to provide additional information that may rebut such a presumption. To implement the requirements of Rule 4008(b), the form also provides for a disclosure of any differences between the income and expenses reported on schedules I and J and the income and expenses reported in the debtor’s statement in support of the reaffirmation agreement, together with an explanation of any such differences. The form also requires a certification that the information supplied is true and accurate.

Bankruptcy Case Forms PDF WordPerfect Word
Amendment to Mailing Matrix [Creditor(s) Deletion]
Appearance Of Child Support Creditor or Representative
Ballot Report    
Ballot Form for Accepting or Rejecting Plan of Reorganization    
  Ballot Form Instructions    
Certificate Of Mailing Matrix Required by E.D.N.C. LBR 1007-2
Certificate Of Service
Chapter 12 Certificate By Debtor  - Discharge and Domestic Support Obligations    

Chapter 13 Plan

Chapter 13 Plan Terms    
Chapter 13 Certificate By Debtor  - Discharge and Domestic Support Obligations    

Declaration Re: Electronic Filing

Disclosure of Corporate Affiliations
Loan Modification Program Forms:      
  NC Bankruptcy LMM Procedures    
  NC Bankruptcy LMM Timeline    
  Motion for Loan Modification Management    
  Certification of LMM Eligibility and Readiness    
  Sample Supplement Fee Agreement    
  Notice of Non-participation and Termination of LMM Assistance    
  Order for Loan Modification Management    
  Order Substituting LMM Servicer    
  Certificate of Non-Compliance    
  Motion to Extend the LMM Period    
  Proposed Order Extending the LMM Period    
  Motion to Terminate LMM    
  Proposed Order Terminating LMM    
  Motion to Approve Trial Loan Modification Agreement    
  Interim Loan Modification Order    
  Motion to Authorize Loan Modification Agreement    
  Loan Modification Summary    
  Loan Modification Order    
Mailing Matrix and Instructions
Motion to Avoid Judicial Lien on Real Property:      
  Individual Debtor - Joint Tenancy - Homestead Exemption - Partial Avoidance    
  Individual Debtor - Joint Tenancy - Homestead Exemption - Full Avoidance    
  Individual Debtor - Joint Tenancy - Wildcard Exemption - Partial Avoidance    
  Individual Debtor - Joint Tenancy - Wildcard Exemption - Full Avoidance    
  Individual Debtor - Sole Ownership - Homestead Exemption - Partial Avoidance    
  Individual Debtor - Sole Ownership - Homestead Exemption - Full Avoidance    
  Individual Debtor - Sole Ownership - Wildcard Exemption - Partial Avoidance    
  Individual Debtor - Sole Ownership - Wildcard Exemption - Full Avoidance    
  Joint Debtors - Entireties Ownership - Homestead Exemption - Partial Avoidance    
  Joint Debtors - Entireties Ownership - Homestead Exemption - Full Avoidance    
  Joint Debtors - Entireties Ownership - Wildcard Exemption - Partial Avoidance    
  Joint Debtors - Entireties Ownership - Wildcard Exemption - Full Avoidance    
Motion to Extend Automatic Stay    
Notice Of [Motion To ] [Objection To ]
Notice Of Objection To Claim
Notice of Correction of SSN
Notice of Special Appearance
Schedule C-1 - Property Claimed As Exempt (after Jan. 1 2006)
Schedule C-2 - Property Claimed As Exempt Other Jurisdictions

Section 1188(C) Status Conference Report

Statement Regarding Exhibits  
Summons To Debtor In An Involuntary Case
Unclaimed Funds
Adversary Proceeding Forms
Deposition Subpoena In An Adversary Proceeding
Entry of Default
Motion To Claim Exempt Property
Notice Of Right To Have Exemptions Designated
Order Designating Exempt Property
Statement Regarding Exhibits  
Summons In An Adversary Proceeding
Third-Party Summons
Miscellaneous Forms
CD Request Form (NOTE: Due to the size of most hearings, CD's will be in MP3 format and thus only playable by devices capable of playing MP3 - such as computers, MP3 players, and some newer CD players)
Application for Mental Health Evaluation
Debtor Electronic Noticing Request
Certification as Supervising Attorney
Certification as Student Practitioner 
Judicial Complaint Form
National Creditor Registration Service - Evidence of Authority
National Creditor Registration Service - Registration
National Creditor Registration Service - Related Names
Pro Se Debtor To Stop Electronic Notification

Request for Closed Case Information from National Archives Center - Instructions and request form.

Transcript Order Form