What is eSR?
eSR is an online tool to help individuals complete a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy petition. eSR is not available to attorneys or bankruptcy petition preparers and is not designed for business or corporate filings.
Why use eSR?
- There is no cost to use eSR. However, you will pay the bankruptcy filing fee of $338.00 for Chapter 7 or $313.00 for Chapter 13.
- eSR has a guided, step-by-step process that allows up to 45 days to complete the package for submission.
- Your personal information is only accessible by you, using a unique login and password.
- There is no software to download or purchase.
How do I use eSR?
Obtain credit counseling from a court-approved credit counseling agency.
Determine which chapter of the Bankruptcy Code you are eligible to file.
Collect all of your financial documents before you begin.
Ensure your computer meets these requirements:
Internet connection
Adobe Reader (version 8 or higher)
Pop-up blocker must be disabled
Browser requirements - It is recommended that you use the latest version of Mozilla Firefox, Edge, Chrome or Safari.
Create a user profile, unique login, and password.
Answer questions about your property, income and debts and submit. Once submitted, a confirmation email will be sent to you with further instructions.
- Mail or hand deliver the Declaration Regarding Electronic Filing, the Statement of Social Security Number, and the bankruptcy filing fee (or Application for Waiver or Fee Installment). The filing fee is required to be in the form of a certified check or money order. (No personal check, debit/credit cards, or cash are allowed for payment).
- A deficiency notice will be sent for any other required documents that were not included in the initial filing.
- For technical assistance regarding eSR, please contact the Help Desk at 919-334-3850. Please note, the Clerk's office is prohibited from giving legal advice.
Because bankruptcy can have serious long‑term financial and legal consequences, including loss of your property, you should hire a lawyer and carefully consider all of your options before you file. A lawyer can explain to you what may happen as a result of filing for bankruptcy. If you do decide to file for bankruptcy, a lawyer can help protect you, your family, your home and your possessions.
Although the law allows you to represent yourself in bankruptcy court, you should understand that many people find it extremely difficult to represent themselves successfully. The rules are very technical, and a misstep or inaction may affect your rights. If you file without a lawyer, you are still responsible for knowing and following all of the legal requirements.
You are urged to view on the court’s website the “Filing Without an Attorney” section for a Pro Se Guide, Pro Se Videos and Bankruptcy Basics to obtain a better understanding of the Bankruptcy process.
Bankruptcy fraud is a serious crime; you could be fined and imprisoned if you commit fraud in your bankruptcy case. If you make a false statement, you could be fined up to $500,000 or imprisoned for up to 5 years or both. (18 USC sections 152 and 3571).