Verify that you have the correct case number prior to beginning the filing of your claim. Insert that number on the first screen. You can skip the “Name of Creditor” field. Once you have checked the redaction statement box and hit “Next”, all creditors currently listed in the case will appear. If your name is there and is exactly the way you need it to appear you will click the circle next to your name and proceed. Otherwise, click the circle next to “Creditor not listed” and you can add a new listing.
If you are amending a claim for any reason, you will answer yes to Part 1, Item 4. Note that you must have chosen the same party record as on the original claim. After answering yes, click the down arrow next to “Court Claim Number” and all claims by this claimant will be shown. Choose the claim you are amending and the “Filed on” field will automatically populate with the date that claim was filed.
If there is supporting documentation for your claim, select “Yes” at the bottom of the form (before the signature line). After clicking on “Submit Claim”, you will be able to attach your documentation.
All fields of the claim must be populated. Pop up messages will appear when submission is attempted that will specifically state items that may have been omitted and corrections should be made accordingly.
When prompted to “Enter Verification Code” at the end of the claim form you should simply type the code/text that appears to the left into the box.
Print or save your completed Proof of Claim as needed. You will be given this option after submission. The verification screen will also display the number that has been assigned to your claim. Note that attachments will not be available to view or print without a Pacer account.